Weekly Chats & Video
Click on the date and time to sign up ☺️
Started in September 2024 we will be doing 1 chat per month !
February Chat
Weekly chat 1/11 @ 7pm-8pm eastern time
No video.
Topic: (The topic many have requested!) Discussing dating in the neurodivergent world! We will have a guest speaker!
January Chat
Weekly chat 1/11 @ 7pm-8pm eastern time
No video.
Topic: Discussing Goals for 2025, why goals are important and whats teps we can take to help achieve these goals!
No Decmeber chat
November Chat
Weekly chat 11/23 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
No video.
Topic: Discussing Gratitude, Embracing Thankfulness for Blessings and Challenges with Disabilities
October group meetings
Weekly chat 10/19: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Kahoot: Facts and Myths on hidden disabilities
September group meetings
Weekly chat 9/28 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
August group meetings
There will be not chats until August 22nd which will be our last Monday zoom calls. Our regular zoom calls on Sunday will return late September as I will be Starting college. August 22nd topic will be about back to school and how we will best prepare!
July group meetings
Weekly chat 7/29 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
No video this week.
Topic: This week chat is going to be a fun game night! We will play games of kahoots, blooket and Pictionary on various topics!
Weekly chat 7/15 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
No video this week.
Topic: This week chat is going to be about the power of imagination. At the Apraxia conference I learned about the power of imagination and I was wondering how imagination has played a role in your hidden disability? Can't wait to hear your thoughts and tell you some stories!
Weekly chat 7/1: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
No video this week.
Topic: As you know I will be speaking at the Apraxia National confrence sharing my story. If you could share your story what would you say? So for this weeks chat make a quick 2-5 mins presentation on what you would share. Inlude fun pics or vidoes! Can't wait to see these presentations.
June group meetings
Weekly chat 6/15: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
No video this week.
Topic: What are some challenges you face over the summer that are different than the school year? How can we best prepare or support ?
Weekly chat 6/1: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
No video this week but we will catch up while playing Kahoot games !!
NO May group meetings !
April group meetings
Weekly chat 4/20: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Can Animals help support us with our hidden disability?
Weekly chat 4/6: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Creating introductions.
March group meetings
Weekly chat 3/24: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Drawling v.s real life.
Weekly chat 3/2: @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Hidden disability in the work force!
February group meetings
Disclaimer: First two weeks of February I have exams. Sorry there wont be a lot of chats in February.
Weekly chat 2/19: Stoicism @ 7pm-7:pm eastern time
Feel free to reach out with any questions !
Stoicism video: https://youtu.be/R9OCA6UFE-0?si=uXIJ_Bc0dYnXcNvchat 1/31 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Janaury group meetings
Weekly chat 1/31 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
What I wish people knew...
Weekly chats are usually not on a school night.
Weekly chat 1/20 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Hidden Disability Video
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuBtpDlBo7U
Weekly chat 1/13 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Affirmation Challange !
December group meetings
Weekly chat 12/16 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Festive Navigation Strategies 🎊
Weekly chat 12/9 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Finding the values in creating goals!
Weekly chat 12/3 @ 7pm-7:30pm eastern time
Risk taking
September group meetings
No more weekly chats until October October 21st. However, feel free to book an one on one!
Weekly chat 9/16: School and self advocacy!
Just want to mention you need parents consent to want to change any of your accomendations.
Weekly chat 9/9:
August group meetings
Saturday night- 7-11 year olds @ 6:30 pm ~ Wonder
Sunday night: teens @ 6:30 pm ~ Theory of Everything
Can't wait to watch these with you all!💙💛
Catch up chat!
What is your personal motto?
August 5th
Will miss this weeks chat but excited as I have a few surprises for next week!
July group meetings
Getting out of your comfort zone!
July 23rd @7:30pm-8:00pm Eastern time
A recap conversation for all the kids/ teens who were at the two workshops to discuss.
What is your biggest worry when you tell someone about your hidden disability?
One of the most fequent questions that my momand I get from parents is how did you know when to back off and let you child grow her voice. This is something that me and my mom ae currently working on as this can be really tough. In this workshop my mom and I will share how we approach this and our feelings.
You can just hit the 7 o'clock time when you sign up as it is custom to be set for only 30 minutes.
It took me so many years to write a paper on my own. It is still quite diffcult for me. However, over the last few years I figured out some helpful tips and resources that really help. In this workshop I will share my own journey with writing and share the resources I use.
You can just hit the 7 o'clock time when you sign up as it is custom to be set for only 30 minutes.
Will miss you all!
The impact of hidden disabilities on our friendships, family relationships, and social interactions.
June Group meetings
How has the pandemic affected your hidden disability? 😷
Express yourself through song
If you could write a fantasy story about you what would it be like? How would you express your self in different forms?
May Group meetings
Shaping your Identity
Shaping your Identity - moved for May 27th
What strengths have you gained due to your hidden disability?
What misconceptions have you faced?
April Group meetings
Dealing with negative comments
The small community
Group meetings will start back up on the 25th !!
So excited to start up the group meetings again !
Fair vs. Equal
March I will be on spring break for the first two weeks ! I will be traveling across the country and across the world.
February group meetings
January group meetings
( My Birthday !)
No video this week. Free talk.
December will be one on ones !
November group meetings
October group meetings
Special back to school secssion!!!
Intro Video to Young Able Voices